Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Fire and ice

Snow fell in the northern Sahara Desert this week, for only the second time in living memory.  Snow on the red sand dunes in Algeria made for some stunning pictures. 

Meanwhile, in Sydney, Australia, it hit 117 F on Sunday, the hottest day in the city since 1939, just missing the all-time record of 118.  It was hot enough to melt asphalt roads, and the beaches were so crowded people could barely move around.

Nothing exciting here in the weather department, just plain old January rain.  Not much chance of another sun-sighting until the weekend.

Here's a relaxing little nature video, shot in the Cascade Mountains.


  1. I spent 3 years in (West) Berlin in the 1970's, and winter was marked by dau after dreary day of grey overcast sky. on the very rare occasions when we did see a light shining in the sky, the theory ran that it was not, in fact, the sun but God with a flashlight checking under the cloud cover to see if we were still there.
