Friday, December 15, 2017

Holiday Inn

Every Friday night this fall, the PBS Great Performances series has been broadcasting premieres of Broadway musicals.  We really enjoyed watching Holiday Inn last night, which John previously recorded in November.  It has wonderful music and dance, filled with Irving Berlin classics like “Heat Wave,” “Blue Skies,” “Cheek to Cheek,” “It’s a Lovely Day Today,” “Easter Parade,” and, of course, “White Christmas.”

PBS viewers get to see a show at the toney Studio 54, without spending thousands of dollars to fly to New York and buy tickets. I suppose it's not the same watching Broadway shows on TV, but like football, a front row seat from the comfort of home on a winter night is pretty darn nice.  This Great Performances production of Holiday Inn also includes a "Behind the Curtain" segment.  Here's the preview:

Well, this is the final weekend before Christmas and everyone is busy and stressed. Around here our shopping is finished (I hope) packages are sent and arriving (thank you Marji.) The time has come to start planning food. We're having roast leg of lamb (instead of ham) this year for Christmas dinner, with a Greek salad and potatoes. 

Amanda and family will be here on Friday. We have tickets to the Nutcracker ballet at the Opera House on Saturday. Sure, we could watch it on TV, but a live ballet is a first for the little girls. We're all excited.

Tomorrow we're going to Poulsbo to visit with our friend Candi, and see the cute little holiday town.  Then Sunday is cookie crunch day for me, while John watches the Seahawks play a make-or-break game. His holiday work pot luck is on Tuesday, and people are expecting their favorites: dream bars, sugar cookies, nut balls, chocolate chip, etc. etc. etc. 

Take a deep breath and have a good weekend.
It will all get done (or not.)

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