Thursday, October 19, 2017

Embrace the ordinary

We got pummeled pretty good yesterday with record-breaking rain and wind. The Seattle Times called the storm the beginning of the "Big Dark."  So true. I stayed home and cleaned the house from top to bottom, which was tiring but satisfying in that mindless way.

Last week, when it seemed like it would be sunny and bright forever, I almost cleaned all the outside windows.  I'm glad I didn't bother, because it feels we're living inside a washing machine this morning.  The rain can wash them all winter.

Speaking of appliances, it seems like I was just writing about dishwasher woes, and now the one we bought in March is acting up in an intermittent way-- the most frustrating way. It's so much better when things just up and die and get it over with.  This is a cheap model (the only one that fits) and gets heavy use, but still,  should last longer than 6 months.

Since it's technically still under warranty, I called the GE 1-800 service number, expecting to connected to somewhere in Pakistan.  Instead, I spoke to some very nice ladies in Alabama.  Between the heavy southern accents and bad connection, it was almost like talking to someone in a foreign country. (I mean that in the nicest possible way.) We tried, but the call involved reading off long strings of serial numbers, so things got a bit muddled.  I gave them my email address and never heard back, so something got lost in translation. 

I think I managed to make a service appointment one week from today. Of course the thing is running fine and dandy again.  If that keeps up, I'll cancel the appointment, rather than look like a fool in front of the repairman.  Been there, done that.  Remember when "major appliances" were things that lasted a lifetime?

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