Friday, January 15, 2016

World Dog Awards

Congratulations to Miss Amy Trotter and Lori!  Last night they won the "Most Dog-Like Animal" award at the big World Dog Awards in Burbank.  I believe there's a video on Amy's Facebook page.

Amy has become a very sophisticated piggy.  Of course movie stars won't discuss their weight, but I have insider information that Little Amy has grown to a voluptuous 130 pounds.

Lori said everything went well on the long road trip to southern California, and Amy was happy riding in her crate and sleeping in motels at night. However, she found out that Amy does not like elevators.

But she loves mud. In rainy California, she managed to find a patch of wet dirt in the park and gave herself a quick root right before the ceremony.  Apparently her team of stylists had quite a last-minute challenge getting their starlet ready for the green carpet.