Saturday, October 25, 2014

World Pasta Day

I forgot to mention in my last post (if you're suddenly inspired to make mosto cotto) don't use supermarket table grapes. They aren't sweet enough-- you need to find some white wine grapes or raid an arbor for home-grown. Good luck on that.

World Pasta Day is celebrated today. It was established as an annual event by pasta makers (surprise!) at the first World Pasta Congress held on October 25, 1995 in Rome.  I wonder just how many blue boxes of Barilla I've cooked up in my lifetime?

The privately held Barilla company was founded back in 1877 near Parma, Italy and is now in the fourth generation of family ownership. They have 45% of the Italian market and 25% of the American market. Their product is made all over the world and I can always find it on sale for a buck or less.  No, it isn't "fresh" pasta, but really-- what could be more convenient than grabbing a box off the pantry shelf?

On a different note, the company set off a global storm in 2013 after chairman Guido Barilla said they would never use a gay family in their advertisements because the 'sacral family' remains one of the company’s core values.  Of course social media immediately spread the comments, leading to a pasta boycott and some amusing satire. 
Barilla says they're already working on new ad concept that will be "more open and much more inclusive." But here's some advertisements from a simpler time...

Viva Italia!

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