Thursday, October 2, 2014

Exciting news

Amanda works at Methow Valley Family Practice for local physician Dr.  Joe Jensen.  She loves her job, and I know they love her too.  But Dr. Joe will be retiring soon, and she found out last week that he sold his private practice to the respected non-profit Family Health Centers of Okanogan County.  One of the stipulations for the sale was that his Twisp clinic stay in the same place with the same staff.

Amanda is excited about working for FHC.  It's a federally qualified health center, and they serve anyone regardless of their ability to pay. They even have computerized medical records! No small thing for a clinic nurse.  This is big step up for her career, and good news for the Valley getting better access to quality health care.  Way to go, Amanda!

Click HERE for the full story in the Methow Valley News.


  1. Hey, I think the commenting works now, much easier than I remember. Congrats to Amanda, and hi to her and the family! I hope the Methow is recovering ok from the terrible fires this summer.

  2. Sue, that is such exciting news about Amanda. The residents there are very fortunate to have her working on their behalf!
