Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A new day

A New Day
Henry Margetson

Well, January now stretches ahead as a long month with nothing much going on. It's kind of a relief, actually. There's work again of course, and the usual chores and ordinary things. But as I was looking at the nice blank calendar on the fridge, I thought how lucky it isn't filled with appointments or other unpleasant things. 

The Christmas decorations all came down yesterday, which is right behind pruning the plum tree as my grumpiest task of the year.  It was a bright sunny day, which showed off the house dust and dirty windows in a spectacular way.

John always heads to the basement and listens to classical music while I take everything down and box it up.  This of course makes me even grumpier, but to be honest I can do the job better and faster alone. Then his job is to pull the dried-up Christmas tree out in the yard, leaving a trail of pine needles everywhere and hearing me say (once again) why don't we have a fake tree like sane people. The living room looks sad this morning without the tree glowing in the corner, but our small house feels bigger.

John is back to work, so I'm taking a break from morning TV news today. I had a quick peek though at CNN's website, where the headlines screamed we did not fall off the cliff overnight.  But no change in sight for the epic political gridlock.

1 comment:

  1. Someone LOVED this blog posting and has been playing horse all morning. Nova grew up overnight. She got her first haircut lastnight. It is quite the chop job (thanks to me!) but she looks so grown up. Too bad she didn't get to see Jeb in person!
