Friday, September 7, 2012

Late roses

Seattle is having the longest stretch of pleasant temperatures in its history.  Today is the 21st day in a row with a temperature above 70, and our local weather gurus say this has never happened before. We've also gone 47 days without a trace of rain, although there is a possibility of rain on Monday that would end the dry streak two days short of the record 51.

 All of this means the most beautiful second bloom we've ever seen on the roses.  I took these pictures this week. They were nothing much to look at all summer, but they're finally happy with plenty of water and fertilizer (me) and sun (Mother Nature.)

And oh yes, here's the finished coconut cake.

John's birthday gave me an excuse to talk to everyone yesterday-- thanks for your calls.  We each ate a big slice of cake while watching President Obama. And how did those little girls in the White House grow up so fast?

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