Saturday, January 28, 2012

" A pretty nice day..."

"Coral berry"

Well, just look at this beautiful thing. It grows in a neglected corner of the MOHAI parking lot, and sometimes I see it though my (now cracked) windshield if I pull up in the right spot. I suppose it will be ripped out when the Washington DOT finally gets around to razing the museum building. I wish we had such a lovely shrub in our bleak yard this time of year.

Our local TV weathermen like to put a bright spin on the day's weather. "A little breezy out" translates to 50 mph wind. "A bit chilly this morning" means 28 and black ice. You get the picture. At 6 am, Saturday was declared a "pretty nice day to get out there for yard chores." Yes, if you define "pretty nice" as 34 degrees, damp with gray overcast. Nevertheless! The chore for the day is pruning the overgrown plum tree. Why save such a nasty job for a truly nice spring day?

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