Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Twisp kind of 4th

You have to love a town where the police chief drops by on his horse (latte in hand!) to say howdy at the front gate.
Just across the street, the parade was forming up in that chaotic, organized way parades do and Amanda was helping organize the Community Center float. She's on the board at the Methow Valley Community Center, which provides important activities for seniors and families at the old school in Twisp. And the school building just turned 100 years old. The plan was for the little ones to walk giving out pencils while the seniors rode courtesy of this horse-drawn float.
Amanda handed out the bee shirts and off we went with our banner...
The parade is only a few blocks long, but what a turnout of cheering folks were waiting along quiet Glover Street. Amanda pulled Nova in her wagon (mostly.)
Nova was excited about the big, black "neigh-neighs" so close behind us. Nana's job was to keep Nova from falling out of the wagon :-)
But soon she was waving and clapping back at all the people. Aw!
The only downside to being in a parade is you miss most of it. Like this super creative float from the Valley Recycling Center. The menfolk all watched the parade from the porch of the house and John took pictures of us.
But by the end of the parade, I'd done quite of bit of this! So the highlight was hitching a ride back to the house with Nova on the horse-drawn wagon. This was our third parade in Twisp, and they get better every year. More cute Nova and Grandpa pictures coming soon.

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