Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Riding Flo

I haven't mentioned Flo lately, but my partial lease is working out and I get out to the barn twice a week or so. Sizzle left behind big chunks of empty time, but over the winter those chunks gradually filled up with other things. Funny how that is. So after months away from a horse routine I'm glad it's part of my life again, although with the long drive two days a week is just about perfect.

Sometimes I take a lesson on Flo in the arena, but on nice days I ride alone around the property and trails, just as I did with Sizzle. Of course it's nice to ride along chatting with a friend, but solitary riding lets you pay attention to nature and focus on your horse without distraction. After hours and hours of this in different situations, you learn to "trust" each other.

Trust is a word you hear bandied about with horses, but if you just "trust" your horse to always act like a horse you'll never be let down. That's the best lesson Sizzle ever taught me. Horses are mysterious and complex enough without giving them human relationship characteristics. Or expect them to act like Lassie in a pinch. The important thing is, Flo was well trained way back when, and she's the right combination of fun-to-ride and responsive.

I like these vintage cowgirl postcards, even though racing around on terrified looking animals has nothing to so with horsemanship. Of course the horses were just a way to show off the pretty cowgirls.

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