Friday, November 5, 2010

November sunshine

What is November doing
With the disturbance of spring

And creatures of the summer heat...

T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

The rain will be back for the weekend, but we've had two days of record high temperatures in Seattle-- over 70 on Wednesday. Perfect weather for walking and looking at the brilliant fall leaves. Nova and I spent four hours alone together yesterday, while Amanda took a break and visited friends. We had a great time, and not one teardrop the entire morning. First, we took a long walk in the stroller.

"Roger" and I stopped to admire Seattle across Elliot Bay (Nova snoozed and missed it.)

After lunch, what to do? Well...there's always my old treasure trunk to get into. And along with the dolls and toys, we found Amanda's English baby coat, that she wore when she was exactly Nova's age.
A perfect fit...
Playing out on the porch, I had to do some double takes. Was I looking at Baby Amanda or Baby Nova?
And here's my favorite picture of little Amanda in Germany, in the same coat.


  1. Oh my goodness... little Nova is soo cute!

  2. Hi April, I can't wait for the day when I see her together with her cousins Hayden, Sam and Will.
    Aunt Suzy
