Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kids, dogs and snow

Hard at play on a cold winter day.

It feels like we're living in the Yukon this morning. The wind is blowing the snow around, and our temperature is only 18 with a "high" of about 23 expected later. But Nova's little face will warm up the coldest day. Thanks Amanda for sending the sweet picture from the Methow Valley. I can just hear her saying her favorite first word: apple, apple, apple.

Some poor folks endured seven hour commutes last night, and when the freeways turned to gridlock they abandoned their cars and walked.

John was late getting home and I thought he was stuck, but it turned out he stopped at the state liquor store to pick up our annual bottle of Christmas brandy. Yes, a few weeks early-- but judging from the lines at the cash register, he said plenty of other people had the same idea. We're not used to this weather in Seattle. Almost all the schools in western Washington are closed, and everyone who can stay home will. Unless I hoof it to the grocery store that's where I'll be, since John drove Beep this morning.

And here's Dave's golden "Lucy," another happy winter face. Snow? What snow? I love this!

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