Thursday, September 23, 2010


Sorry, early morning followers-- no pretty picture today. I saw this big creature on the dining room ceiling yesterday. And what about those wicked looking markings? I've never seen a spider like that before in broad daylight. So I climbed on a chair and took this picture with the zoom. Even that was too close.

My sister runs a bug extermination business in Las Vegas, and she told me her best steady customers have arachnophobia. I just read on that it's the most common animal phobia. That figures...I'll probably get it too if I see another one like this in the house.

So Marji, if you see this let me know what it is. I was too creeped out to look at more pictures of spiders on the Web. The first sign of phobia?


  1. Creepy! That has got to be one of the ickier spiders I have ever seen.... We had one that looked very much like that nasty bugger out back last week and I doused it with the spray you bought me (which I was VERY glad to have this time).. You didn't mention what you did to yours?? :)

  2. His demise wasn't pretty. He escaped from my "Bug-Stix" capturing device so I whacked him to death with the handle. With much screaming. While all creatures have the right to tread the earth, in the final court I'm sure The Judge won't hold it against me :-)
