I bought this piece of garden art at the Twisp Farmer's Market on Saturday. It's a good sized thing-a-ma-jig, and heavy too. John was not thrilled to haul it home in our little Honda. In case you can't tell from the picture, it's a moon and a bell, but also looks sort of like a giant's battle-ax. On the drive home, I was thinking about becoming a headline on The Onion: "Woman Decapitated by Garden Sculpture in Accident on Mountain Pass."
Amanda and I both liked it. Since it will outlast us all, I told her it would be hers "someday," although hopefully I'll be around to admire it for a while longer :-) When John unloaded, he just stuck it outside the office window, and I can see it now from my desk. A pretty good place for now, but I can lug it anywhere I want.
Anyway, Twisp is a small place, and on Saturday the locals didn't recognize the gentleman who was selling his cool metal art creations at their market. I head a rumor he was "from Alaska," and indeed he told me he "found" the ship's bell on the beach there. I don't know anything about ship bells, but I believed him because it makes a wonderful loud clang that would carry for miles over the water.
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