Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"The kind of September..."

There are many songs about September, and no wonder-- it is a beautiful and poignant month. Our long, warm summer is winding down in Seattle, and looking back the months have already blended into one perfect day, but with many memories. In particular, I'll always remember answering my phone one bright morning by the side of the road above the Columbia River, and hearing the news that an exquisite baby named Nova had just entered our lives. And so the cycle of seasons and life continues.

When I think of beginnings and endings, I like reading these simple words written by the poet John Donne:

Our fear of death is like our fear
That summer will be short.
But when we have our swing of pleasure,
Our fill of fruit,
And our swelter of heat,
We say we have had our day.



  1. That is a beautiful poem Mom, and yes, what a blur of days that seem to revolve around Nova's grand entrance! I will never forget the first moment you arrived at our house after she had been born. I don't think I have ever been happier!

  2. Nova is our beautiful little summer star!
    (In a poopy diaper :-)
    Love you, Mom
