Friday, June 19, 2009

"Just Joey" rose

What a beautiful picture! (I didn't take it-- John's new camera again.) Our neighbors down the street have this rose, which I pass almost daily and have coveted for years. I've been dropping heavy hints forever, and John finally bought one for me at the West Seattle Nursery for Mother's Day. I planted it in a big pot until I figure out where to put it in the garden. It has a few flowers already.

Rain this morning in Seattle, which is incredibly welcome. We've had a 29 day drought, very unusual for spring which tied an old record.


  1. Suzy, Enjoying your posts. Wonderful flowers and pictures. When are you coming east and baking some of those wonderful morning treats? djt

  2. Nice to hear from you. John is the one who eats the cake around here-- spoiled man. Have a nice Father's Day!
