Thursday, June 27, 2024

Tis' a gift



People who don't live here assume it "always rains" in Seattle. Actually, our summers are dry compared to other parts of the country (just turn on the news) and we can go weeks without rain. 

With our sandy soil, watering is by far the biggest summer chore. So what a sweet gift last night, laying in bed listening to a good rainfall. I did all the edging yesterday and John mowed, so perfect timing.

June is wrapping up (too) quickly. If only January flew by so fast...

It is a rare day when onions of some type are not consumed in this house. 

The Walla Walla Sweet onions are in now, grown in the southeast corner of Washington and available for only a few weeks. Unlike the harsher varieties, they are very perishable. I'm not sure if you can even buy them in other parts of the country, but worth looking.

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