Friday, January 12, 2024

Faux pho

Last night I made this Chinese Japanese mash-up of a noodle soup. It starts with a box of broth, doctored up with ordinary Asian condiments from the fridge like soy and oyster sauce, sesame oil and hoisin. Typical of my slap dash cooking style, no recipe involved, which also means the recipe can't be exactly duplicated, oh well.

Add the sliced vegetables (your choice) and a few shrimp (or cubed tofu) to the simmering broth for a few minutes, then ladle over the cooked noodles. I have two perfect large serving bowls for this. 

Those are thin Japanese soba (buckwheat) noodles, because I have terrible luck with those Thai rice noodles, which sometimes turn into a gelatinous lump.

Anyway, we'll be thinking about food a lot over the next few days, since there isn't much else to do. Seattle temperature won't get out of the 20's for several days. That is extremely unusual for us, and hard on the plants. But the lovely olive tree survived the ice storm last winter, so who knows.

And that is downright balmy compared to eastern Washington, where the daily highs might reach a few degrees above zero. Needless to say, travel plans are postponed again.

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