Thursday, May 11, 2023



Perfectly poached eggs and perfectly ripe avocado on wheat toast. (John doesn't care for either which is fine--all the more for me.)

A perfect breakfast that would cost big bucks in a restaurant, if you could find one.  In West Seattle, the breakfast options are pretty limited. There are some little cafes scattered around but they don't open early. It sounds weird, but we don't have a single chain restaurant like Appleby's, much less, a 24-hour coffee shop like Waffle House. 

I read in the paper that the downtown clubbers, after a night of drinking, gather in the wee hours at a depressing ancient Denny's in the SoHo District. Unlike most major cities, there isn't a night dining scene in Seattle. Not that we care.

Speaking of perfection, a perfect weather day coming up with sunshine start to finish and temperatures in the mid-70's. Looking forward to gathering on the sunny patio with our ukuleles.

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