Monday, September 26, 2022



We had a nice crop of Anaheim peppers from just 3 plants.  I picked them before the raccoons decided to throw a fiesta. They got into the grapes this weekend no big deal because we don't eat the sour things, but they spit the skins on the deck and make a mess.

Anyway, these peppers have a tough skin so they need to be charred and peeled. The grill is the best place to do it. It's a chore, but not a bad one on a sunny fall afternoon with a losing football game droning in the background.

It's tricky because you don't want to actually cook them, but they have to be evenly charred for the skins to slide off. 

American "taco night" comes from cans, boxes and packets, but authentic Mexican food is really labor intensive. Trust me. Like chili rellenos. I made them Friday with the biggest ones and the peeling, stuffing, batter, red sauce and frying took all afternoon. But so worth it and we almost fought over the leftovers.

Anyway, I divided these up for the freezer to make chili and stew. We're getting into those fall meals now.

September 26th is Johnny Appleseed Day. Over the years, I've written several posts about the character. CLICK for a trip down Feathers and Flowers memory lane. "Try to Remember" is a sweet old song.

September is usually a beautiful month in the northwest. We'll get a little welcome rain Wednesday then back to nice weather. Enjoy your week.

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