Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Year of the Tiger


Today is Chinese New Year. People born in the Year of the Tiger are brave, competitive and confident. On the other hand, they can sometimes be unpredictable, irritable, and overindulgent. 

I was born in a "Metal Tiger" year, considered one of the most unlucky years of the Chinese zodiac. So I'm living proof this is total nonsense. It's ridiculous to label children at birth like that. (Maybe that's the"irritable" coming out.)

Anyway, speaking of superstition, tomorrow we see what the ground hog has to say. Welcome, February, the last month of meteorological winter. It's cold in Seattle, and we may not be done with lowland snow yet. In February 2019, we had a freakish 20 inches. In my opinion, the only decent month for snow in Seattle is December, preferably Christmas. (Irritable, again).

A bit of good news yesterday. The neighbor who plows our driveway in Twisp finally got his truck repaired (new transmission) and he's back in business. I'm grateful the property management company kept it open with a snow blower, but obviously that's not ideal. Old Chuck has lived in Twisp his entire life, and knows a thing or two about snow-plowing. And he's very familiar with our property, having plowed for the previous owner.

1 comment:

  1. I'm an Earth Ox according to the Chinese, born on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini with Venus and Mars in Taurus and Mercury in Gemini in the Western system), and both of them have me pretty much nailed. I follow some of the principles of feng shui but simply because they are common-sense design elements that add to the aesthetic of my home.
