Thursday, May 7, 2020

Spring colors

Hens and Chicks
"Hello Darkness" iris
Creeping Jenny
Something blue

Almost in spite of the constant deluge of bad news, we've had a lovely spring in the Northwest. Enough rain, enough sun, the flowers and foliage so bright it almost hurts the eyes.  The coming weekend promises perfect weather with temperatures in the 80's. That's the point where the natives start complaining about the "heat."

Most of the parks are open again and will be jammed with people all trying to avoid each other. What a strange and (I'm sorry) anti-social new way of living we're learning. There's just no nice word for it.  It's a courtesy now to cross the street when someone is coming your way, but do we have to avoid eye contact? Perhaps that's just a big city thing.

It's been over 8 weeks now since we've left home, except for short trips to the grocery store. Incredible. I haven't stayed put that long in once place since we were kids on the Pennsylvania farm, and seldom went farther than the A and P, church and our grandparent's farms. A once-a-year trip to Atlantic City was an incredibly long journey. 

I sometimes wish we had a vacation house because a change scene of would be welcome about now.  But as they say: Wherever you go, there you are. And the scene around here is pretty nice right now.

By far, the best part of the long day is sitting outside together with a glass of wine in late afternoon sun, watching our bunnies. We put treats out for them along the hedge. Yesterday, they scored a pile of carrot peels after we made another one of these beauties.  So life in social isolation has it's compensations.

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