Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cinco de Mayo

Aren't they having fun? The Mexican restaurants and bars should be booming tonight.  Oh, well.  I'm making beef enchiladas for dinner, that's something at least.

Cinco de Mayo marks the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1863.  The holiday isn't really celebrated in Mexico outside the state of Puebla, but in America it's become a big celebration of Mexican culture, sort of like St. Patrick's Day.  A few decades ago, the Mexican beer advertisers started promoting the holiday and that helped things along tremendously.

The days have all blended together. Not bad, not good, just the same. I try and find a new chore each day, although I'm starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel.  Yesterday I cleaned the inside windows and dusted the binds, so the house looks noticeably brighter. I'll tackle the outside windows next with my Windex hose sprayer attachment, a great invention.  (This is not the time for climbing up ladders.)

We have a couple more days of random showers before a very warm spell arrives this weekend, with temperatures reaching 80 degrees.  Woo-hoo.

1 comment:

  1. We're having a warm spell too. It was 101 F here on Star Wars Day -- may the AC be with us!
