Monday, September 30, 2019

Weekend potpourri

Right around the vernal equinox, the evening light slants through the front windows at the perfect angle to illuminate the dust and crumbs under the table. Of course I have to jump up to grab a Swiffer, the greatest invention in the history of housewives.  Soon it will be too dark to notice much dust-- until the next equinox. This is called Spring and Fall housekeeping.

On Saturday morning, my ukulele group performed at the new Aegis assisted-living facility a few blocks from here. Oh my, was it ever fancy and elegant, with huge common spaces and small bedrooms starting at $4,000 a month, gourmet food included, wine extra.  But can you imagine living in a 5-star hotel, or permanently on a giant cruise ship? Our dusty, homey cottage looked pretty good when I got home.

Along with a Wagner overture and the Dvorak Cello Concerto, we heard "Pictures from an Exhibition" at the Symphony yesterday, an audience favorite.  Back in February 2012, I wrote a long blog post about the piece and matched the actual pictures with Mussorgsky's music. I must have felt especially ambitious (or bored) that morning:  CLICK HERE for the link. Anyway, we enjoyed the concert and seeing our friends.

A busy first week of October week ahead. I have an appointment with a new tax accountant this morning (I'd rather go to the dentist) and a Medicare specialist tomorrow (ditto.)  On Wednesday though, a better dishwasher arrives. Yea!  But say a little prayer they can shoehorn it in that tiny space.

That's about all the news fit to print on this cold Monday morning.
So long, September.

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