Friday, September 27, 2019

The look of fall

A new (old) Ivan Doig novel and a new velvet pillow from Marshalls.  I like to read on the sofa with the afternoon light at my back, and yes, have been known to take a little nap there after lunch.

I went on a fun little shopping spree at Marshalls yesterday. The tired summer stuff was gone and the store freshly stocked with fall merchandise and kitchen stuff for Halloween and Thanksgiving.  All too soon everything morphs into Christmas, but for a few weeks, there's the cozy feel of fall in the stores.

We finished the PBS Ken Burns Country Music series last night-- all 16 hours of it. It was long but not a boring moment. As a teenager growing up in Colorado, I was crazy about the Beatles, folk music and the British bands. But country music records were the undercurrent, played in jukeboxes, on the radio, and even at our dances. I'm not big on the modern sound of country, but always liked the old classic songs. Watching the Ken Burns special made me realize why.  Because they are good and true.

Speaking of fall, it was school open house night at Liberty Bell Elementary in the Methow Valley. Here's first grader Maya, showing off her illustrated story. It looks very interesting. I'll have her translate when we see them in October.

And another sure sign of seasons changing, our Seattle Symphony series starts this Sunday with Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition and Dvořák’s cello concerto. We're looking forward to getting caught up with Betsy and Paul, and seeing Mary, our young music-loving friend sitting behind us in the 5th row.

Have a good weekend, dear friends and family.

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