Monday, September 23, 2019

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Leaves
John Everett Millet

What a pretty picture. Nothing like the view in our backyard this weekend.

Fall started at 12:50 am on the west coast, and appropriately, the forecast is for cloudy skies, rain, and chilly temperatures this week.

We've probably seen the last 70 degrees days. Fall lovers rejoice. Ready or not, it's here.

So the deed is done. John sacrificed most of his weekend to chainsaw the top off the plum tree and then chop up this huge pile of aphid infested, diseased branches. He managed to get most of it in the yard waste bin, which now weighs 300 pounds. (Condo living sounding better and better.)

I'll spray the trunk and branches with dormant oil this winter and see what happens.  Of course it will sprout back vigorously in the spring. The big question being whether it stays healthy without the hefty use of pesticides, a nauseating thought in plum chutney. If not, it's outta here for good. I know where to buy plums.

After all that trouble, some famous last words come to mind: 
"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

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