Monday, February 18, 2019

Monday, monday

Another cold week ahead. We're in denial about it, but there's a possibility of lowland snow on Tuesday. This time, however, it won't stick around, or so they say.

Yea. The yard and sidewalks are finally almost melted off. Snow is so pretty when it falls, and so dismal in the city when it turns to dirty slush. 

The sun came out briefly late yesterday afternoon and it was bright and strong, a reminder that spring is just around the corner.  Other than the general messiness snow leaves behind, the garden is none the worse for wear.  The hyacinths and tulips, in fact, look downright happy. They like a good chilly drenching.

Amanda and family get back from the Yucatan on Thursday night, having missed the weather event of the century. How lucky is that?

"The Eternal Struggle"
Angela Jayne Barnett

1 comment:

  1. I live in Tx, in that square bit at the top. Friday it was 74F. At 5:30 today it's 32F and heading for an overnight low of 21F. Tomorrow's high? 33F. I believe I'll lie in the bed all day tomorrow, drink hot tea and read.
