Sunday, February 10, 2019

Digging out

We had a welcome respite this morning as the wind died down and the skies cleared out for a few hours. It was very beautiful but very cold.  

It's clouding up again now, and we're supposed to get more snow tonight, and even more of a dump on Monday night into Tuesday.  Snow is hard to predict, but it could be and additional 8 inches in Seattle.  

For once I'm at a loss for words to describe how weird this is, especially in February.  The temperature will barely go above freezing for the next 10 days. 

We were relieved the kids arrived safely yesterday afternoon, just in time for a chili dinner and a few quick cuddles. They were off again for the airport at 4 am and their luck miraculously held out. Within this little window of calm weather, their flight left for Cancun on time.  They will be gone for 10 days, traveling with their friends and exploring the Yucatan Peninsula.

Life is not so glamorous for us next week.  I'll be stuck at home, mostly. This morning John dug out "Little Beep" and drove me to Safeway. We stocked up on ice cream and vegetables.  I'm making a small turkey dinner tonight, and then soup with the leftovers. 

The main roads are mostly OK, but getting there is the problem. The side streets all over Seattle look like this.  And of course, our notorious hills make driving even more interesting.

Most people don't own snow shovels, or they they do, not inclined to use them, like in other parts of the country, where you get outside and get to work. The snow usually turns to rain here and just disappears after a few hours.  Not this time-- and the sidewalks are a sheet of packed ice.  The "German" in me finds this upsetting, almost slovenly! At least I shoveled off our entryways, but it will be a long time until the sidewalks melt off.

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