Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Geranium house

Yesterday was the last dry day for the foreseeable future, so I went down to Costco yet again to check for geraniums. There's nothing more miserable than trudging across the Costco parking lot on a rainy day. I timed it right, and the geraniums had just come in. I bought 18 six-inch pots in the classic red color, along with other excited ladies doing the same. They fly out the door so you have to act fast. It was a nice afternoon, and I soon had them all planted up. Done!

These are zonal geraniums, grown from cuttings and bred for traits like bigger and longer-lasting blooms, vigor and sterility (so that the plants don't waste energy on making seeds.) It seems to get drier and hotter here each year, and zonal geraniums thrive in the heat of summer. They also bloom until November, so for an annual, quite a bang for the buck.  I've just about given up on fuchsia baskets and other dainty flowers that need daily watering.

Not much else is new around the old homestead. Honestly, it still feels more like winter than spring so I'm making a big pot of white chili for dinner.  Have yet to fire up the new grill.

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