Monday, February 19, 2018

What a weekend

Blasting north wind, record cold, snow flurries with sun and blue sky mixed in.  This is late for such a hard freeze in the garden, but I suppose most things will be fine. I wish the roses didn't have so much tender new growth. At any rate, there's nothing I can do about it.  I brought some tight crocus buds in the house, and within minutes they popped open.

On the way back from the grocery store, I drove the long way home around Alki Point and stopped to take a few pictures.  The beach was deserted, it was too cold to be out of the car more than a few minutes.

Not a typical Sunday afternoon on Elliot Bay, with only tugboats, ferries, container ships out on the water...

The weekend finished last night with a cold, windy, beautiful golden sunset.  We stayed pretty close to home.  John was busy sharpening things in the basement and I got obsessed with finishing this castle drawing, copied from one of those adult coloring books.  Not too bad, and my sketchbook slowly improves, but perspective is still a real bugger.

1 comment:

  1. Perspective is *always* a real bugger -- in drawings and in life.
