Thursday, January 19, 2017


 "The magic treat--
as much fun to make as it is to eat."

Today is National Popcorn Day.  In simpler times, our family gathered around the stove in awe, watching the magical foil dome rise while mom shook the pan over the burner. 

Jiffy Pop was invented in 1958 by a chemist named Frederick C. Mennen. He sold the patent to American Home Products and within a year the product reached the national market. It was a huge success for years. I guess Jiffy Pop is still sold in one flavor, but I haven't seen it in the store for ages. Everyone eats microwave popcorn now, which is apparently not that good for you.

Big counter top appliances were once popular for making "air-popped" popcorn.  Where did we store those contraptions? John bought me this nifty Lekue brand (Icelandic?) microwave popcorn maker that works surprisingly well, and makes nice healthy popcorn unless you dose it with butter, of course.  It's made of soft, folding plastic and doesn't take up much space.

Is there any snack more American than popcorn?  The pretty legend says the Indians shared it with the Pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving.  

OK, time for this lazy blogger to get moving and make something of the day.

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