Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rescue dog

I found this beautiful guy at the Goodwill, and not even the regular Goodwill.  I rescued him from their outlet store where stuff is sold by the pound.  This is where the donations go that aren't good enough to sell in the main store. I'd never been there before and will probably never go again, but I was passing by and went in out of curiosity.

At the Goodwill Outlet everything is thrown willy-nilly on tables. Customers paw through and then their bags are weighed and priced at the cash register on the way out.

What a place!  Some people were sitting on the floor guarding their huge piles of stuff. Were they just resting, or waiting for new shipments to be dumped on the tables?  I noticed the smart shoppers were wearing masks and gloves, so they must have been regulars.  Oh yes, and the smell was that familiar Goodwill smell, times ten. 

It probably seems out of character that I would take anything to my fussy clean house from such a place.

But how could I resist this spotless stuffed dog?  And how did he ever wind up at the Outlet? He's an expensive Melissa and Doug brand toy. There isn't even a smudge of dirt on his WHITE feet, for heaven sakes.  And of course he looks just like "Roger" our favorite family Aussie.

I think he weighed in at about $1.29.
Nova and Maya will love him.

Here's some photos of the feeding frenzy:

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