Monday, October 26, 2015


Statler and Waldorf

We've been watching the TV series "Portlandia" on Netflix, the comedy show that makes fun of the city of Portland, Oregon.  Just like Seattle, there's plenty of satire material in Portland, especially lampooning the hipster culture.

The show stars Carrie Brownstein and Fred Armisen, who play different stereotypical Portland characters. In the episode called "Health Care"  Fred and Carrie (playing themselves) seek medical advice for a series of vague ailments. Then Fred is diagnosed with E.O.G. or "early onset grumpiness."  He hates the Urban Village: crowds, street markets, silly festivals and standing in line for breakfast.  When they leave the house, he shouts things like "Who ARE all these people?"  

Well, I took that to heart somewhat, since I'm showing signs of E.O.G. myself. All the things that were once fairly simple, like going to the grocery store or post office have become stressful and difficult, navigating multiple construction zones, threading through congested streets and parking in a garage, just to pick up a carton of milk.  I suppose I could walk six blocks.  In any other big city, I'd think nothing of it.

I came home the other day and declared that "elevators in grocery stores should be made illegal!"  Anyway, I have to watch it or I'll become just another old lady who goes around looking like Grumpy Cat. 

But here's something to smile about on this rainy Monday morning.  After so many delays and frustrations, our new fence (to keep out the urban village) is going up today.
Or, so they say...

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