Thursday, August 13, 2015

Dark side of the moon

This little cosmic treat on YouTube shows the dark side of the moon sailing across the Earth.

NASA made the video from a compilation of images taken by the Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera on the DSCOVR satellite, designed to observe Earth's climate from a million miles away. It gives a unique, big picture view of our solar system.  In 1959 the Soviet spacecraft Luna 3 transmitted the first images of the dark side of the moon back to Earth.  It was called the dark side because it was unknown.

Speaking of climate, we had some unusual thunderstorms in Seattle yesterday and a bit of rain. Only enough to wet down the dust, but still the most rain we've seen since April.  Unbelievable.

I've lost motivation with outside watering. It looks like a roadside bomb went off in the back yard and I'm having a hard time coping with this new exposed feeling. I just don't want to be out there.  It's silly because most people live like this, but I miss my garden sanctuary.  Even the birds are quiet in the morning now.

So I've spent a lot of energy this week trying to find a "handyman" who is not above doing some rough repair work on the garage.  Seattle is in the middle of an "unprecedented building boom," and no one in the construction trade is hungry for work. They can be as snotty and dismissive as they want to women on the phone.  The fence company guy did come out yesterday and will gave us a bid, but he said they are at least 5 weeks out on work. It's going to be a long time till things feel somewhat normal again.

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