Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Granny Squaredom

The "June gloom" arrived early in Seattle, and the entire holiday weekend looked pretty much like this.  This morning we're still under the fleecy grey blanket but should finally get some warmth by the end of the week.  The garden is dried-out and damp at the same time. Kind of depressing. Believe it or not, I have to water already.

You can read the Cliff Mass weather blog for a long, geeky explanation as to why this always happens on the west coast in early summer.  June in San Francisco is also notoriously gloomy and cold. The short explanation is the entire eastern Pacific ocean is full of clouds.

Never mind the chilly weather, we had a fun weekend and Amanda got home safely yesterday afternoon with the girlies.  This morning it's back to the regular old grind of work and school.

The other day it suddenly occurred to me that my age is closer to 70 than 60. Maybe I'm kidding myself, but I like to believe I might have a few meaningful things yet to do with my life, other than learning Home on the Range on the ukulele and crocheting granny squares.

But I'd better get busy on that list, because it took me about five years make this one.  Well, not five years of constant effort, but a lot of frustrating fits and starts and a plastic bag stuffed with squares gone wrong.

Now I finally seem to have it down, so I think I'll keep going until I run out of this pretty yarn. By then, the pattern should be permanently imprinted on my senior brain. AARP says learning new things is good for us.

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