Monday, September 15, 2014

The last days of summer

Lydia Field Emmet
There's an old weather proverb that states, "If autumn leaves are slow to fall, prepare for a cold winter."  But the weather gurus are predicting a warmer and drier winter that usual in the Northwest. Really, this weather pattern is starting to spoil us. The autumnal equinox is just a few days away, and it might get up to 90 this afternoon.

Still, the garden plants are slowing down and I've started the long, dirty process of cutting back the perennials.  It would be an overwhelming job if it had to be done all at once, but my goal this time of year is just make sure the yard recycle bin is full each week.  I love summer, but it's also easy on the eyes to see some empty space again in the garden beds.  I bought a bag of 50 tulips at Costco and got those in the ground. When I'm finally done cleaning up,  I think I'll splurge and have the compost blower come out again to mulch.

When the girls left this morning, the sudden silence was deafening.  Oh good...I can hear myself think again.  Now of course it seems TOO quiet, and the day stretching ahead with nothing much to do except laundry and housework.  It would be much more fun to go to the park on this beautiful day.

Speaking of parking, Nana was tired this morning and she set them in front of the kitchen television to watch Curious George on PBS while Amanda loaded up the car.  Television of any sort turns Nova into an instant zombie.   Amanda has a long day of driving ahead with those chatterboxes in the back seat, then back to work and school for everyone tomorrow.  It was a great visit.  Vaya con dios.

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