Sunday, June 15, 2014

Amanda's big day

The Wenatchee Valley College Nurse Graduation
(Our Amanda, in the middle)

We had an unforgettable weekend.  The highlight of course was Amanda's RN graduation at the Omak Performing Arts Center on Saturday afternoon. When we looked at the program we noticed she was one of just three in her class who graduated with honors. That means a GPA over 3.5.  Such an accomplishment!

The ceremony was very nice. After the faculty introductions and commencement speeches, each new nurse was "pinned" by her family members or friends.   Maya was too young for center stage attention, but it was a big honor for Nova who pinned her mom with great poise in front of everyone.

Then the candle-lighting ceremony, which brought tears to many eyes in the darkened auditorium. Each nurse lit her candle from a shared flame and recited the traditional "Nightingale Pledge."

With full knowledge of the responsibilities I am undertaking, I pledge to care for my patients with all of the knowledge, skills and understanding that I possess, without regard to race, color, creed, politics or social status.
I will spare no effort to conserve meaningful life, to alleviate suffering and to promote health.  I will refrain from any action that might be harmful to the quality of like of health of those I care for.  

I will respect the dignity and religious beliefs of patients under my care, and hold in professional confidence all the personal information entrusted to me. 

I will endeavor to keep my professional knowledge and skills at the highest level and give my support to all members of the healthcare team.  

With full awareness of my qualifications and limitations, I will do my utmost to maximize the potential of the nursing profession and to uphold and to advance its standards. 

Lucky for us, a class of beautiful young nurses joins the profession. Many like Amanda will stay and work in this rural part of Washington that has a great need for improved health care services.

After the ceremony, time for a few proud and happy family photos...
Everyone here except for John, our excellent group photographer. Left to right: Dave, Sue, Irene, Amanda, Nova, Tom, Maya, Michelle, Bill, Jerry and Wendy.  

A quick cupcake for Nova and her best friend Adelina before hitting the long road home.

Maya looked like a doll baby, dressed in her sister's hand-me-down sailor suit...
But even just hanging out with grandpa, she's pretty darn cute! 

Anyway, after the ceremony the big graduation day was just getting started.  Little did she know, but Tom planned a huge surprise party for Amanda, and when we arrived back at the house it looked like the entire Methow Valley had turned out (with their kids!) But from this point on you'll have to use your imagination, because I put my camera away for the day, grabbed a delicious grilled bratwurst and glass of wine and just sat back to watch the fun.
What's next for our nurse?  On Tuesday morning she starts a new job here, just down the road at the Methow Valley Family Practice.  Congratulations and thanks to everyone who helped her make this happen.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Amanda! That's very exciting news. After all that homework and commuting, having a job close to home is going to feel like a vacation!
