Friday, February 14, 2014

The Prize

The Elegant Trogon
Madera Canyon is up in the Santa Rita Mountains, about an hours drive from Tubac.  This place is world famous for the diversity of wildlife, and one of the top birding hotspots in the Northern Hemisphere.

Serious birders travel from all over the world and no wonder, because the variety of birds is astonishing. Madera Canyon and its creek traverse through four life zones between the hot, dry desert floor and the high mountains. Southern Arizona is also an important migration stop for many birds. 

There are over 250 bird species in the canyon, including 35 warblers (try sorting them out!) and 15 different hummingbirds.  But the star of the show has to be the Elegant Trogon, the one bird every birder wants to add to their life-list and then casually name drop like a movie star:  "Oh, yea-- we saw several last year in Madera Canyon."

We've been to Madera Canyon twice and I haven't bagged this fellow yet. I guess you have to make more effort than eating potato chips and then taking a lazy seat at the gift shop "feeding station" waiting for a Trogon to just fly by.
Yet another sunny picnic
But we did see Acorn Woodpeckers (brilliant red head caps) the Bridled Titmouse and the unusual Grey-Headed Dark Junco.  Along with too many yellow Finch varieties to count. They were all gobbling up free food at the feeder like common house sparrows in Seattle.  I'll have to check my old list when we get home to see if any of these are lifers.
This is the incredible view as you drive back down to Green Valley from Madera Canyon-- you can see almost to Phoenix.
Nice empty nature trails are everywhere.  High altitude though -- so remember to breathe with all that birding excitement.
This is our last full day in Arizona, and we'll enjoy every last minute of blue sky and warm sun.  In fact, Tucson will be close to 90 tomorrow afternoon when we head back to drenching wet chilly Seattle.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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