Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tea box wisdom

The early mornings have been incredibly beautiful this week.  No dreary overcast or fog to burn off-- just a perfectly clear sky with an enormous moon setting in the west and the sun coming up behind the Cascade mountains to the east.  We're getting into that nice time of year when the hours of daylight and darkness are about equal in length.  It's healthful for the body clock in regard to sleeping and eating.  I'm sure this is one reason why tropical vacations near the equator are so relaxing.

I seldom turn the TV on in the morning anymore to catch the local news, a small thing that makes me happier. Anyway, a couple taps on the phone gives the weather and says if it's safe to go outside today, or if the world came to an end overnight.

I also have a app called Today's Step that gives a short quote and a theme to think about.  After I downloaded it, I realized Today's Step is slanted toward people in drug and alcohol recovery. But what the heck?  I like it-- and who doesn't have something they would like change about themselves?

This was the nugget for today:

Theme: Freedom
We all have a choice in how we start the day.  In my perfect world, my day begins with coffee, meditation, a quick check of email, a walk, and a practice.
Try this: 
On these days when you just aren't into it, go outside and take a deep breath and stand there anyway.  It won't be long before you say, "I'm already here, I might as well keep going."

Oh yes, some good news about dad.  As of last night, the plan was to release him from the hospital today.  He's doing really well, but instead of going home alone he decided to spend the next few weeks at the Cripple Creek Care Center. We're all happy about this. He and mom will share a room, and he can get some rest and therapy until he feels confident to live on his own again. 

1 comment:

  1. That's the best news. You can relax and worry less - at least for the next few weeks.
