Friday, February 11, 2011

Old and new

"Back in the saddle again... out where a friend is a friend."

Thank you Jen, Dolly and all my new and old barn friends for the smiles and words of encouragement yesterday. "Spanky" was the perfect gentleman to ride after long, sad months away from horses. Everything felt familiar and new at the same time. It was a good first arena lesson, reminding me of what I know and how much there always is to learn. I walked. Then trotted. Finally loped big and small circles. And when the lesson was over, I rode the little trail around the perimeter of the ranch where I took Sizzle hundreds of times. It was a dazzling day with sun shining on the Snoqualmie River and Mt. Si.

And this morning, my body is reminding me in a not-so-nice way of what it hasn't had to do for the last 5 months. But, even that is a good sort of reminder :-)
Where's the Epsom salts?


  1. Sue, I'm so glad you did that! It was like a dose of tonic for you. I'll bet Spanky enjoyed having a break in his routine and getting some extra attention too.

  2. Yes, horses are wonderful. All the same, all different!
