I haven't bought a new piece of horse tack for years. Honest. I've been trail riding with my old western saddle forever, but this winter I'm looking forward to learning something new in the arena-- dressage! And Sizzle's tongue told me this afternoon just how thrilled she is with THIS plan! :-)

Of course, this discipline requires all different tack (sigh.) Finding a nice, affordable, used dressage saddle is a real project, and many hours in traffic driving around to far flung tack shops. But I was lucky to find a consignment saddle this week in Bellevue, slightly used but perfect for lessons and fooling around. And Stubben is a "good" brand, made in Switzerland of all places.
The Swiss make nice saddles along with the watches.

The dressage style bridle is also completely different, and for an old western trail horse, Sizzle is being a pretty good sport about this project so far.
Stay tuned for lesson updates...
A picture really is worth a thousand words! Sizzle couldn't look more enthused about her new pastime!