Saturday, March 8, 2025

The waters of March



It was an uneventful drive yesterday, with light traffic and dry roads. We stopped for peach smoothies (a spring tradition) at Lone Pine. The sun was shining in the Valley and the piles of snow in town rapidly melting in the strong March sun. 

I even sat outside on the deck for the first time this year, listening to that pleasing sound of water dripping off the roof. Our house, like many over here, doesn't have gutters along the sides.

Anyway, what a pleasure to open the door after two months and find everything exactly as we left it in January. 

Maybe the beavers are hibernating. It's too much to hope that they might have gone elsewhere. I was worried they would fell the pretty white cottonwoods along the left side of the lawn, but they haven't gotten around to carrying off the one by the river they chewed down last fall. 

My brother arrives today and we have a nice time planned. We're going out to dinner tonight and afterwards to The Rainbow Fish Musical at the Merc Theater. Tomorrow morning I'll make a family breakfast for everyone as usual before Nova goes to work. And with daylight savings time, it will seem very early indeed.

 Have a good weekend.

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