Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Daylight savings time


You would think Congress could manage this one little thing for us. It's dark outside and we're just glad we're retired. I'm a morning person and this is still a hard change. When we got home yesterday afternoon, all the clocks in the house were "wrong" reminding me again why I feel out of sorts.

Anyway, another easy drive on dry roads. Shoulder season is too late for winter sports and too early for summer, so there isn't any recreational traffic. No one wants to visit the valley to check out the mud and grey snow. I like this season in Twisp, just because it feels so real and local.

Speaking of snow, our timing was great because the mountains are going to be a driving mess for the next week. Winter isn't over up there. 

Here's a photo of Nova's 10th grade Chinese language class from Liberty Bell High School. She is in the front row in a white sweatshirt. This is the airport at 1 am, and they're ready to board a 14 hour flight to Taiwan. The group will spend 10 days exploring the country and culture, with a lots of interesting activities planned for each day. 

We're tracking their SEA to TPE flight and the red airplane is now about halfway there, in a long line of what looks like tailgaters headed to Asia.  A freeway in the sky!

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