Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Year of the Snake



Chinese New Year is January 29th, and Costco had these impressive lucky bamboo plants, along with other festive goods for the holiday. 

According to the tag, this was grown in Canada at Morgan Creek Tropicals. That company  made a sweet little deal with Costco, because there were pallets of plants for sale. 

I usually succumb to at least one impulsive purchase per trip, considering it my reward for the effort it takes to shop there and "save" money. Ha ha.

Bamboo plants bring good luck and cleansing energy into your home, and the number of stalks corresponds to what energy you want to attract. These had six tied stalks, which attracts wealth. Perfect choice for Costco shoppers. Anyway, something fresh to look at on my desk as we trudge on through the month. We are stuck a weather pattern of gloomy fog and low clouds, but no precipitation. Strange, for January in Seattle, which is usually one of the wettest months.

Ho hum, says Buddha.

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