Saturday, May 21, 2022

Green as a garden


The valley is wonderfully green. It looks like the Garden of Eden (with weeds.) You'll never hear anyone complain about too much rain in arid eastern Washington. 

We had a big thunderstorm and downpour yesterday evening, and the light was just spectacular. I sat in the living room thinking about when we first saw the house for sale, exactly a year ago. The location was magical and as they say, fools rush in. In a few head-spinning weeks, it was ours. 

I'm not saying there weren't some "what have I done?" moments this first year, especially when the wildfires shut down the valley last summer. As we were moving in, everyone who could leave did, to escape the smoke. Owning a second house is steep learning curve, but here we are, with winter behind us and everything fine. Fingers crossed for the summer.


It's a wonderful feeling to open the door and find everything as you left it. And for me at least, it's been a fun project turning this little house into a comfortable home away from home. I can't think of another thing we need, but I probably will. How did all this stuff get here? Well, just ask John he's been a good sport through the whole adventure. No one can predict the future, but whatever happens, I'm thankful for this experience. Old Man River will likely take it away someday, but hopefully I won't be around to see that. 

Summer tourism is ramping up and the highways are already filled with massive RV's and people in a frantic hurry to get somewhere. I already miss shoulder season. I stick to the right lane on the freeway and keep my speed a few miles above the limit, not to be an irritating old lady driver and heaven forbid, hold someone up for a few seconds. But I was constantly tailgated on treacherous 2-lane Blewett Pass. And it wasn't just me, no one could go fast enough for some people.

Anyway, all is peace and quiet this morning, just watching the young deer play in the yard. I saw a beautiful male Western Tanager yesterday by the river. A busy day coming up, the Saturday Market this morning and Nova has a dance performance in Omak this afternoon.

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