Monday, January 24, 2022


A long streak of calm, dry weather is pretty rare in January. In the summer, a high pressure system overhead is a happy thing, bringing clear skies and fair weather.  But in the winter, it's called a "dirty high" because clouds and fog (and pollution) are trapped under the bubble of high pressure. 

So here we are under the murk until Friday, when rain returns to clean things out. Ironically, clear skies are 1,000 feet above our heads. Oh, what a happy day to fly out of Seattle. If only.

Anyway, at least Saturday was sunny before the fog settled in. I pruned the roses. That seems early, but there's already a feeling of turning the corner to spring. Bulbs coming up, shrubs and trees starting to bud.

And of course, football and food to fill the indoor hours. I get bored with those games that don't look close, then wander away and miss the great ending when the underdog comes roaring back. That would have been a mistake this weekend. Go, Bengals.

Looking at those stadiums full of unmasked, happy, yelling people, it seems the pandemic is over except for depressing Seattle. People wear masks everywhere in public, and some still cross the street when they see you coming. Of course, Seattle is not famous as a friendly city. I once read an article that claimed conservatives were basically happier than liberals. Might be something to that...we tend to be whiners. 


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