Monday, December 28, 2020

So long, December



Considering the empty calendar, devoid of concerts, parties and the usual holiday events, the days felt busy and full this month. A jammed (or empty) calendar says nothing really about richness of life.     

So many lessons in this horrendous year. With life stripped down to basics, the smallest things became more meaningful, even precious, as I suppose as they should have been all along. It's only human to miss doing what you once enjoyed, but other things filled the empty spaces.

The world will be different when we come out of this, because we have changed. Poor 2021 has lots to live up to, especially the first 6 months.  Patience.

Switching gears. How about our handsome 96-year-old Dad, in his new holiday clothes? Dad walks outdoors every morning, reads a daily newspaper along with a big stack of library books each week. He is the perfect example of how to take each day as it comes and enjoy the moment. Go Dad. Despite the year long separation, our family has become closer in many ways. 



Gift show off time. It wouldn't be Christmas without an Apple bauble under the tree. Thank you, John! That little white ball is a HomePod mini, cute as a Baby Yoda and sounds better than the tall floor speakers we had in the 1980's. Now Siri plays woo-woo music while I do yoga in the second bedroom. 

In a few days we can say goodbye to 2020, a year we will never forget. There's going to be a "virtual" fireworks display at the Space Needle on New Years Eve, which sounds like an appropriate end to a surreal year. 

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