Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Crow gifts

I'm too hasty sometimes with my morning weather proclamations. That drizzly, cold morning yesterday turned into a bright afternoon, so we had our picnic potluck outside as planned. Afterwards The Ukes serenaded Carol's neighborhood.  Hopefully most people were at work. Ha. We couldn't hear each other playing across the yard, so at times it sounded like rounds.

The sun is up this morning, a one day break from the June gloom. I have chores galore this afternoon, with crows to keep me company out in the jungle.

A batch of crows left the nest last week, causing an enormous fuss until they left the neighborhood. They look full grown, but act like pitiful, begging babies. They are still dumb like all baby birds, and the parents are loudly protective.

Love em or hate em, crows are always up to something interesting.  One brought a package of those orange peanut butter crackers, stolen somewhere. He opened it on the bird bath and proceeded to make a messy crow soup. They also leave things on the deck railing, like miniature toys, to the delight of Nova and Maya.

And yesterday I found this plastic cup in the bird bath. A crow kitchen utensil?

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