Monday, November 13, 2017

Meatballs and stuff

Wow! Those meatballs look like tennis balls. 


On Saturday, we had red sauce with homemade meatballs AND Italian sausage. That's a special treat in this house. Until I married a Sicilian-Italian-American, I'd never heard of such an indulgence. "Spaghetti sauce" was hamburger, chopped onion, canned tomato sauce and a mix from an envelope.

That's the brown pasta from the ubiquitous blue box.  The Barilla brand isn't very good-- I don't think their Italian hearts are into high fiber pasta. If you want that sort of quasi-healthy thing, Trader Joe's whole wheat rotini tastes better.

Just plain old comfort food for a rainy, dark Saturday night, with plenty left over for Sunday lunch.

Friday was surprisingly sunny and mild, so I got out the ladder and put holiday lights on the back arbor. It's early, but why wait for miserable weather.  I also wrapped a metal garden trellis and hung it up. Nothing fancy, but it looks cheery from the kitchen and sidewalk. It was so windy last night, I hope it hasn't blown away.  I love lights, but we have only one outdoor electrical outlet so that keeps me under control. 

We are so progressive that Seattle City Light now uses "bill shaming" to encourage people to conserve electricity.  The monthly bill shows your usage in comparison to your neighbors, and John likes to point out that ours is always in the high percentile.  I don't think that's really fair, because there's lots of people who work 70 hours a week and eat in restaurants all the time.  Our report card might look better in December, because the neighborhood goes crazy with holiday lights.

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